The Order of the Eastern Star is an adoptive rite of Freemasonry with teachings based on the Bible and objectives that are charitable and benevolent.

The idea for the creation of an Order of the Eastern Star for black women was first proposed by William Myers, a Grand Master in the Prince Hall Jurisdiction of the District of Columbia. With Georgiana Thomas, he set about getting the ritual and organization approved by the official of the Lodge and the first Chapter of the Prince Hall Order of the Eastern Star was opened on December 1, 1874.

The founder of OES was Dr. Robert Morris, a lawyer, and educator from Boston, Massachusetts, who was a Master Mason and Past Grand Master of Kentucky.

Bro. C. B. Case granted authority to establish chapters of the Eastern Star among eligible black women. In obedience to the authority granted by William H. Myers, Grand Master, Union Grand Lodge, Jurisdiction of the District of Columbia, Bro. Jackson established the first Eastern Star Chapter among black women in the United States.

 For more information on the Eastern Stars go here http://gsgcoes.org

Samuel M. Beam Chapter #80

 Meets the 1st & 3rd Wednesday evening at 7:00 PM at:  1403 W. 5th St., Santa Ana, CA 92702.  Phone:  714 543-3075

A membership petition may be downloaded here.



Our Chapter is named after Reverend Samuel Miller Beane, Past Grand Patron from 1927 – 1939. The Samuel M. Beane Scholarship Educational Fund was named after him and established for the Golden State Grand Chapter.

Samuel M. Beane Chapter No. 80 was instituted September 20, 1959. Constituted in November 29, 1959 at Van’s Hall, 306 ½ east Fourth Street, Santa Ana, California under the administration of Brother Jefferson Stone, Grand Patron of the Golden State Grand Chapter. Samuel M. Beane is the Adoption of Wiley L. Kimbrough Lodge No. 91, free and Accepted Masons, Prince Hall Rite of Adoption.


 Our first Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron were Sister Bernice Young and Brother John L. Young. Sister Mildred Kelly served as the Chapter’s Associate Worthy Matron.


 The Eureka Charity Club was founded in 1957, the same year as WLK #91 was founded.  It has served as a community partner to give back to the local community in the form of College Scholarships and various other means of assistance to our youth. The Eureka Charity Club has also been a primary financial contributor to the lodge.

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